CCTV Surveillance Cameras

<h5>Wired CCTV</h5>

Wired CCTV

If you have mains power available on your construction site, a traditional wired CCTV system could be the most cost effective solution and allow you to have unlimited cameras around your site. We will install the recorder in a secure lock box in a safe place such as your site office. We provide an HD monitor so you can view your site at a glance

<h5>CCTV Towers</h5>

CCTV Towers

If your construction site only has generator power, we can install one or more of our rapid deployment CCTV towers, which are becoming increasingly popular on sites with mains power or generator. We also have environmentally-friendly solar powered tower options available. Our temporary towers are a powerful visual deterrent and are self-standing

 <h5>Wireless Detectors</h5>

Wireless Detectors

If there is no power on site (common in early-stage construction sites), our completely wireless battery powered detectors may be more suitable. The detectors and sirens can be mounted anywhere and have a detection range of around 35m. Having no cables can be beneficial for sites such as demolition or where running cables is difficult.


CCTV monitoring offers 24/7 surveillance, capturing evidential footage with excellent picture quality.

Wireless Video Detection

Wireless Video Detection

Construction Site CCTV

Construction Site CCTV

SIA Licensed Security Guards

SIA Licensed Security Guards

Rapid Deployment CCTV Towers

Rapid Deployment CCTV Towers