<h4>What kind of company do you need to protect your vacant property?</h4>

What kind of company do you need to protect your vacant property?

Avail our vacant property security services by partnering with us today!

Deserted homes often become targets for squatters, burglars, and arsonists. With the increasing number of vacant properties in the UK, securing such properties has never been more crucial. It is imperative to treat vacant properties with the same level of security as occupied ones.

SURVIGILANCE Security provides a comprehensive solution for your unoccupied property at any time, day or night, throughout the entire year.

Our services include:
  • Armed and certified security personnel.
  • Mobile patrol officers in full uniform.
  • An alarm system that monitors and verifies with the presence of cameras.
  • Prominent warning signs regarding your safety placed strategically.

Partner with SURVIGILANCE Security for a robust security solution for your vacant property.

Why should you trust us with the security of your Vacant Property?

When it comes to safeguarding your vacant property, nothing surpasses the effectiveness of having a well-trained security guard on-site. Rely on SURVIGILANCE Security to secure your vacant property from vandals and thieves through their team of highly trained security officers and guards.

Maintaining specialized mobile patrol units to routinely monitor your premises is crucial in preventing theft, trespassing, and damage. Our mobile patrol squads are extensively trained and prepared to address any threats or security breaches that may arise. In the presence of any illicit conduct, our mobile security team takes immediate action.

The installation of a Wi-Fi monitored CCTV system can significantly reduce the risk of fire and theft on your property. The use of wireless CCTV eliminates the need for a security officer to be present at all times, providing evidence in case of illicit activities.

For vacant houses, warning signs are prominently displayed on the exterior to deter potential burglars. This practice serves as a deterrent to drug users, illegal occupants, and juvenile criminals, preventing harm to your property. Several instances have been reported by neighborhood members who observed unlawful behavior due to our conspicuous notices.

<h4>Why should you trust us with the security of your Vacant Property?</h4>
<h4>Mobile Security Patrol for your Vacant Property</h4>

Mobile Security Patrol for your Vacant Property

A vacant property is often viewed as an easy target by criminals seeking to vandalize and steal valuable items. The most effective way to deter potential thieves from targeting your abandoned property is to enlist the services of a vacant property watchdog.

Our services include:
  • Prevention of unauthorized access to the site.
  • Regular patrols and maintenance inspections.
  • Visual inspection and 24/7 monitoring of a wireless alarm system.
  • Keyholding and alarm response service for monitored intruder alarm activations.

To ensure the reliability of our officers, all SURVIGILANCE Security guards undergo thorough verification in compliance with British Standards BS 7858.

Each of our security guards and policemen undergoes a comprehensive orientation to understand your specific needs. They regularly inspect your vacant property, documenting any suspicious activities encountered. In the event of an incident such as fire, flood, or theft, our security guards promptly contact the appropriate emergency agencies.

SURVIGILANCE Security provides highly trained security guards to protect your unoccupied property around the clock, offering nationwide coverage. We offer security guarding services for both short-term and long-term contracts, catering to a wide range of vacant properties.