Security Dogs

<h5>Key Advantages of Hiring Security Dog Patrols</h5>

Key Advantages of Hiring Security Dog Patrols

One of the key advantages to hiring a security guard and dog is that dogs have enhanced natural abilities that are ideally suited to the needs of security deployment. Dogs have superior hearing and can easily detect sounds before humans can. They will typically hear sounds four times the distance than humans can and are able to hear sounds far higher in frequency than humans, enabling them to quickly alert guards to any issues they may not already be aware of.

<h5>Mobile Patrol Dogs</h5>

Mobile Patrol Dogs

We can provide marked vehicles to regularly patrol your site perimeter. Our dog units can check the exterior perimeter of a property and openings like doors and windows, but they can include a check of the interior. Mobile units can respond very quickly to anticipated risk, with vehicles available to react fast when time is of the essence. Dogs can pick up on additional threats that cannot be detected by human senses, increasing the effectiveness of the patrol. Every dog unit is trained and able to manage alarm responses

<h5>Manned Security Guarding</h5>

Manned Security Guarding

The visual message a security guard and dog sends to potential intruders is that security is taken seriously at your premises. Manned guarding can be static and protect specific points of vulnerability, or mobile, providing patrolled guarding. Putting a dog unit in place will significantly help improve visible security and is likely to be more effective at preventing any unauthorised access. Security guards and trained dogs are commonly used to deter potential intruders and will help your staff and other personnel feel safer and protected.

Our Security Guard And Dog Patrols Are The Perfect Solutions In Many Situations:

<h6><span>Open spaces that are vulnerable to fly tippers or illegal traveller settlements</span></h6>


Open spaces that are vulnerable to fly tippers or illegal traveller settlements

Huge and uncovered destinations are trying to screen and control, with such countless likely places of hazard and potential marks of passage. A gatekeeper with a security canine can give inclusion of huge regions. Frequently, the presence of a canine unit alone is a powerful obstruction and forestalls the danger of fly tippers, vagrants or explorers and the harm that goes with them.

<h6><span>Secluded sites, where a single guard may be vulnerable</span></h6>


Secluded sites, where a single guard may be vulnerable

In regions or locales that are segregated, there is an additional component of hazard as the site could be an objective for those hoping to break in out of hours. In this present circumstance, our security canine watch can surpass the capacities of a monitored watch, guaranteeing that gatekeepers are not presented to elevated degrees of chance without quick admittance to back-up and insurance.

<h6><span>Sensing intruders hiding beyond a line of sight</span></h6>


Sensing intruders hiding beyond a line of sight

In examples in which gatecrashers can stow away from the view, it tends to be unimaginable for safety officers or monitored watches alone to know about their presence until a break has happened or on the other hand on the off chance that they have seen the culprit. Our canines are prepared to hear and smell likely interlopers before any crime has occurred, diminishing the gamble of a security break.

<h6><span>Protecting valuable equipment, goods or scrap materials</span></h6>


Protecting valuable equipment, goods or scrap materials

Each business esteems their kin and their resources, yet at times especially important activities require prevalent security. These can incorporate costly merchandise, worthwhile resources or scrap materials presented to burglary, subsequently making a site more powerless in general. Our canine security units can be entrusted with general site inclusion, monitoring points of section, or overseeing command over unambiguous hardware that requests a more elevated level of insurance.

<h6><span>Empty buildings or construction projects that may attract squatters</span></h6>


Empty buildings or construction projects that may attract squatters

An empty premises or building site is especially powerless against unapproved access, defacing, vagrants and burglary, which can overwhelm tasks and funds to determine. Our canine units empower nonstop checking of a site, all day, every day, safeguarding empty properties nonstop, guaranteeing they stay secure and safe.

<h6><span>Offices or commercial ventures that benefit from a visible security presence</span></h6>


Offices or commercial ventures that benefit from a visible security presence

Organizations are much of the time an objective of burglary, especially when long stretches of business are public data. Hardware, for example, IT hardwear are much of the time focused on as wrongdoing of comfort and can be safeguarded by having canine security as a noticeable sign that the site is under proficient control. Premises including workplaces, locales, and business offices, benefit from such a presence, guaranteeing they are not helpless against burglary or gatecrashers.