<h4>Choose us as your Rapid Deployment Monitored CCTV Tower provider</h4>

Choose us as your Rapid Deployment Monitored CCTV Tower provider

Our intelligent and continuously monitored quick deployment CCTV towers offer valuable security solutions for construction sites, unoccupied properties, and rail projects. If you seek cost-effective measures without compromising on-site security, our solutions are tailored for you.

Operated around the clock, our quick deployment CCTV towers serve as a highly visible deterrent to trespassing on your property. By utilizing our towers, you can achieve up to an 86% reduction in on-site security expenses, eliminating the necessity for physical presence of security officers. These towers are monitored 24/7 by our NSI gold-certified monitoring center.

In the event of a fire or attempted break-in, our NSI gold monitoring center will:
  • Utilize remote audio challenge to warn any unauthorized visitors.
  • Contact emergency services.
  • Dispatch our mobile patrol team promptly to your location, maintaining a presence until your authorized representative arrives.
  • Generate an incident report delivered to you the following
  • morning..

Our fast deployment CCTV tower serves as an excellent standalone option for site security. Additionally, multiple CCTV towers can be linked to provide comprehensive large-scale security. Our movable CCTV system is easily deployable in remote or challenging environments and can be relocated to accommodate changes in your site's dynamics.

Why choose us for your Rapid Deployment Monitored CCTV Tower service?

Our comprehensive security system ensures the protection of the entire facility at all times. The mast of our fast deployment CCTV towers can be extended to cover a larger area, enhancing coverage and surveillance capabilities. Employing smart detection technology, we achieve a low rate of false alerts, ensuring accurate identification of potential threats.

Key features of our fast deployment CCTV towers include:
  • Audio System: Equipped with an audio system to deter and scare away intruders.
  • 360-Degree Detection: Capable of detecting incursions from all angles, providing thorough coverage.
  • Blue Energy Power Pack: Utilizes a long-lasting power source for sustained operation.
  • Expandable Coverage: Additional fast deployment towers can be installed to expand coverage as needed.

This security solution is particularly effective and cost-efficient for various applications, including construction sites, vacant buildings, rail and highway projects, utilities, and infrastructure constructions. It outperforms more traditional forms of security in terms of both effectiveness and cost savings. In contrast to typical CCTV cameras with restrictive cables, our clever 24/7 monitored fast deployment CCTV towers allow you to monitor the entire site without compromising security or safety.

<h4>Why choose us for your Rapid Deployment Monitored CCTV Tower service?</h4>